House plants are in fashion now because they can beautify your home and purify the air; some even bring luck and fortune. A Guide to Best Feng Shui Plants for Home can be very effective in creating wealth and helping bring good fortune to the family. They also promote harmony in space and help create a harmonious world.
Feng shui-related plants for homes
According to experts, Guide for Feng Shui Plants for Home could be bears of fortune, romance, or positive energy, and positive. If you’re interested in practising feng-shui in your home, and enjoy plants, here’s a checklist that could be able to come in useful.
1) Lucky Bamboo
If the lucky bamboo has the red ribbon tucked around it, as shown in the above image, there is a belief in balancing the elements of feng shui – water, earth and fire. It also balances wood and steel and is considered one of the most effective Feng Shui plants for home.
How many stalks on your lucky bamboo plant will allow you to attract different things ?
Eight stalks are a good sign of prosperity, while five stalks can boost your creativity. The bamboo plant that has nine stalks increases overall luck. Ensure water changes often to ensure that your lucky bamboo plant continues to attract the best.
Light needs: indirect brights light
The frequency of watering: In the case of bamboo, with luck, you should change the water at least once per week.

2) Jade Plant
As you can see in the photo above, The jade plant is characterized by curly leaves reminiscent of coins, making it an actual wealth magnet according to the feng shui theory. The ideal place to put the jade plant is to place it in the wealth part of your house. However, they are also a good choice for your home’s fame and health.
Experts say that jade is among the top Feng Shui plants for your home workplace as it will bring luck and success in your professional life.
The light requirements are: afternoon sun for 3 to 4 hours
Frequency of watering: indoor jade plants require watering every 15 to 20 to 21 days.

3) Money Tree
As the name implies, The money tree is said to bring luck and prosperity to your home, making it among the top adored Feng Shui plants to use in your home. An excellent illustration of equilibrium, the money tree is believed to represent all five elements of feng shui.
If placed within your home, it’s well-known to bring in cash and improve the favourable financial position of people living there. The Southeast quadrant of your home is the best location for this plant because it is controlled by wood elements (which can help draw in money).
Requirements for lighting: does well in indirect sunlight
The frequency of watering: water well once every two or three weeks. You can mist the plant frequently to keep humidity, which this plant prefers.

4) Snake Plant
In addition to its air purifying properties, The snake plant is also known for its protective properties in Feng Shui. In the illustration above, it is long, sharp leaves, which give it a different name – mother-in-law’s tongue. It is a robust plant that requires lower light levels & less water. It’s ideal for beginners in gardening.
It should place on the balcony or near the entry point of your central patio or door to offer security from negativity and negative energy. Experts in Feng Shui plants for homes recommend this you don’t place snake plants in your bedroom.
The requirements for light: grows well in bright light, but it also thrives in dim light environments.
The frequency of watering When the first inch of soil is dry, moisturise it every 4-7 days, based on the climate of the area where you live.

5) Peace Lily
A popular and sought-after Feng Shui plant for your home Peace Lily transforms negative ions of the air into positive ones. They’re low maintenance and are on NASA’s list of purifying plants.
Set it up in your bedroom to calm down negativity. You can also place it in your office to inspire luck and prosperity. They are also great presents for family and friends.
Lighting requirements: needs low light, making it suitable for homes or even offices. You can use it in fluorescent light too.
The frequency of watering: Every week, once every week is enough, But remember to spray leaves with water to create humid conditions during summer.

6) Rubber Plant
Bring harmony to your home and peace by planting a rubber plant. It is one of the most beautiful low-maintenance Feng Shui plants at home. If you look at the above image, the plant is a rubber one. It has a shape like a round leaf, making it a cash magnet, as per feng shui.
It is supposed to bring positive energy and good fortune to the home, wealth, making it an ideal gift for office and home warming to family and friends.
Light needs:6 to 8 hours of sunlight in the afternoon
The frequency of watering: this depends on the size of the plant. You should regularly water Smaller rubber plants for 4 to 5 days, while those that measure 5 to 10 feet tall need daily watering.

7) Orchid
White orchids are an excellent decoration for bedrooms, as seen in the picture above. However, they represent fertility according to Feng Shui only if they’ve got two stalks. They bring elegance and a sense of love, which is why they can enhance relationships. However, that’s not all you can do – put purple orchids in your area of wealth to attract luck, and the ones with yellow are the centre for healthier health. Pink orchids are also good Feng Shui plants to have in your home.
The light requirements : afternoon sun for 3 to 4 hours.
The frequency of watering: once every 7 to 10 days.

8) Citrus Plant
A symbol of wealth and health in Feng Shui, plants like citrus are having the belief to be a sign of prosperity for any house. In the illustration above, you can plant a small orange or lime tree on the balcony or choose to put the tree inside your home in a location that can receive plenty of indirect lighting.
The experts says that citrus plants do not just bring freshness to an area but also help improve the home’s financial situation, making them an essential part of the list of top Feng Shui plants to decorate your home.

Note: Light and water conditions could differ by the type of citrus plant that you have in your home.
Also Read: Feng Shui Home Decor Tips for Love, Luck and Wealth
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