The science of nature for the building is known as Vastu Shastra. Vastu chakra is a variant of Vastu shastra. It teaches you how to live in harmony with nature and get the most out of it while utilizing the most incredible energies in a room or location. This blog is about Vastu Chakra – Things You Should Know.
Contrary to popular belief, Vastu Shastra has nothing to do with Hinduism. Regardless of a person’s location or religion, vaastu applies to all places and people and follows a scientific rationale.
The Vastu shastra and vastu chakra can assist us in living a life in harmony with nature and offer us luck, riches, health, and success if we use them properly.
To know everything there is to know about vastu chakra, read on:

The Concept of Vastu Chakra
Vastu Chakra is typically linked to human habitation. It is an engineering and astrological science. It aids in harmonizing homes so you may receive the most from diverse energies and influences. These energies comprise the planets, the chakras, the five elements of nature (Panchabhuta), and the house’s geometry.
The Sky (Aakash), Air (Vayu), Earth (Prithvi), Fire (Agni), and Water (Jal) are the five fundamental components of nature. According to Vastu Shastra, these components are present both within and outside of people and are an essential component of all structures.

The Structure of Vastu Chakra
The Vastu Purush, or the deity representing buildings and construction, is reportedly lying on his side. His feet are positioned to the southwest, while his head is inclined to the northeast. Numerous deities facing opposite directions find rest in his body.

The Influence of Different Planets
In addition to the five elements, the energies of various planets, Tattvas, geometries, and chakras affect each home’s multiple directions.

- Corners in the south and southwest are stable and are governed by the earth element and the Muladhara Chakra.
- The Swasthisthana Chakra, which Lord Varuna, the Ocean God, controls, is at the west corner.
- The southeast corner is Manipura, Chakra-influenced and controlled by the Fire element.
- East corner: controlled by Lord Indra and affected by the Hrit Padma Chakra.
- Vishudha Chakra affects the north corner, which is ruled by the element of the sky.
- Anahata Chakra, which is in the northwest and is governed by the element of Air, is here.
- The northeast corner, also known as the residence of pure consciousness, is influenced by the Sahasrara and Ajna chakras.

The Benefits of Different Chakras
The appropriate Vastu advice can assist people in getting the most out of all divine energy. Each corner or space is assigned a specific task according to Vastu Chakra principles. Building a Pooja room for meditation should face northeast, the direction the Sahasrara Chakra relates to. A Vastu Mandal Chakra can bring good fortune and wealth to the home when hung in the pooja room.

Similarly, a Vastu Shakti Chakra image can offer stability to the home’s finances and comfort of mind. The kitchen should be in the fire direction or southeast region, which the Manipura Chakra controls.

The Importance of Vastu Chakras
The Vastu Chakra should be considered when building a home. This is because all directions are essential and enable the proper flow of good energy. Using these Vastu suggestions, you can determine whether your home is constructed to improve energy flow.
Summing Up Vastu Chakra
Vastu chakra enables you to live a life that is more in harmony with everything around you and more in tune with nature. Suppose you adhere to all the vastu chakra regulations and have one in your home. In that case, you can be sure that it will assist in clearing any vastu dosh that may be present there and removing unfavourable energies from your area. in this way, we have seen detail about Vastu Chakra – Things You Should Know.
To make your home more vastu-compliant, employ a vastu chakra and other vastu-related materials like vastu yantras, pyramids, jewels, metals, and more. Have you heard of the vastu chakra before? Which of the points above has been helpful to you? Comment below with your thoughts and let us know.
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