Gurpurab celebrations are held across the country every year. It is the main Sikh festival. Gurpurab is the anniversary of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s birth. Guru Nanak Dev Ji, the first Guru of Sikhs and founder of Sikhism, is celebrated as Gurpurab. Gurpurab, also known as Guru Nanak Jayanti or Gurpurab, is celebrated with great enthusiasm by the Sikh community. It is one of the important Sikh festivals. As part of Gurpurab celebrations, Sikhs perform processions and visit Gurdwaras for prayers, langars, and merrymaking. The blog is about the Guru Nanak Gurpurab 2022 – Jayanti Celebrations in Your Society & Significance.
Let’s take a closer look into the significance of the festival, how it is celebrated in India, and when it will occur in 2022. You can also send beautiful Gurpurab wishes to your loved ones.
Gurpurab 2022 Date – Guru Nanak Jayanti
Guru Nanak Dev Ji was born in Kartik maas. This falls in the month October-November according to the Gregorian Calendar. Gurpurab is a celebration of the full moon during the Kartik maas. Gurpurab 2022 will be celebrated on November 8, a Tuesday.
Why is Guru Nanak Jayanti Celebrated?

Guru Nanak Jayanti is a celebration of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji. To offer prayers and to make merry, devotees often visit Nanakana Sahib (his birthplace). The Gurudwaras attract large numbers of Sikh devotees.
Guru Nanak Dev Ji, the founder of Sikhism, is why his birth anniversary is so significant for members of the Sikh community.
Gurupurab Celebrations: When and Where was Guru Nanak Dev Ji born?
Guru Nanak Dev Ji is believed to have been born in Talwandi (a town in Punjab) on April 15, 1469. This is now called Nankana Sahib. According to the Sikh Community, however, he was born during Kartik, a full moon day. Nanak Ji was taken to a middle-class Hindu family. His parents are his father, Mehta Kalu, and Mata Tripta, his mother.
Nanak was different from other young children. At a young age, he became interested in spirituality, religion, and God. To share his teachings and love, he visited many states, both in the United States and abroad. The world was taught about “Ik Omkar”, which means “God is one”. This means that God is all-powerful, no matter your religion, caste, or creed. His presence is felt all over the world because he created it.
Nanak Ji opposed discrimination and believed that peace and prosperity were the best. Thus, he wrote “Guru Granth Saheb Ji”. This sacred Sikh scripture contains 974 hymns (Shlokas) and promotes peace, humanity, and selfless service to others. Guru Nanak Jayanti, a festival of reminders to all his devotees, reminds them of Nanak’s teachings. It also reminds them that they must live ethically and rightfully.
Rituals Performed during Gurpurab Celebration
Given below are some rituals that are conducted to celebrate Guru Nanak Jayanti.

How to celebrate Guru Nanak Jayanti or Gurpurab 2022 at home?
- Teach your children the history behind Guru Nanak Jayanti.
- You and your children can dress in traditional clothing and perform Ardaas (prayer at Gurudwara sahib).
- Read the hymns and verses of Sri Guru Granth Sahib on the day of Gurpurab.
- Ask your children to participate in the preparation of unique festival dishes.
- To brighten your home with interesting Gurpurab2022 decoration ideas, you can involve your children. Guru Nanakjayanti’s decoration ideas include lights, diyas, and earthen lamps.
Gurpurab Celebration with Shabad Kirtan
One of the most important rituals for this auspicious day is to sing Shabad in praise of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji. To celebrate the occasion, devotees perform kirtans, sing Shabad at home and in Gurudwaras, and seek blessings from their Lord.
Gurpurab Celebration with Akhand Path at Home
To celebrate Akhand Path, many people keep Akhand Path at home. People invite their neighbors, friends, and colleagues to join them in the celebration. The Akhand Path is typically held for 48 to 72 hours and ends on Gurpurab. The Akhand Path is a continuous reading of Guru Granth Sahib. People pray to the Lord to receive his blessings throughout the entire process. The holy book is decorated with fresh flowers and kept on a raised platform.
Gurpurab Celebration at Nanakana Sahib
Nanakana Sahib is located in Pakistan. It was not only the birthplace of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji but also where he started preaching Sikhism. This is why the devotees of this area are so enthusiastic. Many Sikh devotees gather in Nanakana Sahib at the Gurudwara to celebrate this occasion. Every year, Gurpurab 2022 will also see them pray to Guru Nanak Dev Ji, praise him, and seek his blessings.
Gurpurab Celebration at Golden Temple, Amritsar

The celebrations at Nanakana Sahib, which are unique to devotees as it is the birthplace of their revered Guru, are unmatched by the Gurpurab celebration at Golden Temple, Amritsar (Harmandir Sahib). The Gurudwara is beautifully lit with lights and exotic flowers, and the festivities begin three days before the full moon in Kartik maas. The Akhand Path of Guru Granth Sahib starts on the first day and continues until Guru Nanak Dev Jayanti.
As part of Gurpurab celebrations, Guru Granth Sahib is beautifully decorated with flowers and adorned sheets of cloth. An early morning holy procession is also called Prabhat-pheri. This procession is led by boys dressed as Panj Pyaras, and thousands of devotees attend. Ghatka is the main attraction of the procession. This is a group of people who are experts in martial arts. They perform stunts using swords and shields to add excitement to the celebration. Prabhat Pheri also includes sweets.
Gurpurab Celebration with Prabhat Pheris

Prabhat Pheri occurs not only at Sri Harmandir Sahib but also in other parts of India, particularly in Haryana, Punjab, and Delhi. Prabhat Pheri is organized by the Gurudwara committees of different Gurudwaras in the country. It usually begins at the Gurudwara and then moves to various parts of the city until it reaches its destination. Sikhs lead the procession, accompanied by the holy book Sri Guru Granth Sahib. People from other religions can attend Gurpurab. Devotees perform Shabad (hymns), give sweets, light firecrackers, and have a lot of fun during the procession.
Langar during Gurpurab Celebrations
Langars, free food services, are organized in different places by members of the Sikh community on Guru Nanak Jayanti. These langars distribute pure vegetarian food like kadhi, puri Aalu, daal Roti, and kheer. Many people visit orphanages to give food and sweets to children.

Gurpurab Greetings to Your Loved Ones
These beautiful Gurpurab greetings are perfect for you to send your loved ones on this special occasion.
- Guru Nanak Dev Ji may bless you and all your family members with wealth, health, and happiness. Happy Gurpurab
- We wish you a happy Gurpurab 2022.
- Happy Guru Nanak Dev Jayanti. We wish you a happy Guru Nanak Dev Jayanti.
- On this auspicious occasion, I wish Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji all the best for you and your family.
- On the solemn occasion of Gurpurab, we hope for your success and prosperity.
- Guru Nanak Dev Ji may bless you with all the best. Happy Guru Nanak Dev Jayanti!
Images of Gurpurab Greetings

Gurupurab Celebrations in Your Society
Let’s continue and learn how to plan Gurupurab celebrations within your community:
The Morning Procession, Called Prabhat Pheri
Prabhat Pheri is an integral component of the Gurupurab events in your group. Please invite your friends to join the society the day before the event to make them aware of the festival. During the parade, participants sing hymns referred to as Shabads. This could be a wonderful occasion to kick off the festivities.
A Three-Day Celebration Called Akhand Path
The holy text known as “Guru Granth Sahib” is continuously read for those three days. It is a gathering that allows devotees to sing different kinds of salads. You can also embellish with flowers and decorate the Guru Granth Sahib with flowers during the parade. Be sure to follow the customs for the parade. Have five guards armed with Guru Granth Sahib representing the Panj Piaras? They must also be carrying the Sikh Flag called Nishan Sahibs. It is also possible to organize local bands to play songs from the Sikh religion throughout the parade.
The Stage Decoration
Set up a stage that will be able to organize the entire path for the devotees, and participants can sit and be chanting. Use yellow flowers to decorate the stage and ensure that safety precautions are taken as there will be children.
Organize the Food Festival Called “Langar”
Gurupurab celebrations also include the most significant food festival to prepare everyone for fun and enjoy food. The menu comprises an appropriate dessert, including jalebi, aate ka seera malai ladoo and the Kaju barfi. The main course includes many Punjabi food items. It is possible to cook in the community, as in Gurudwara during Langar celebrations, and give out food to the people you meet by hand. Also, you can chant “wah Hey Guru” while distributing food items to express gratitude to God.
Invite children to an Orphanage
Invite small orphan children to join the parade and include a buffet lunch. It is possible to organize an event like an event for singing or drama and gift them clothes and other items to make them feel special.
GuruPurab is a special celebration to honor faith in God, and enjoy a wonderful time with your family and friends.
Conclusion to Gurpurab Celebrations
In short, Gurpurab is one of the significant Sikh festivals celebrated with grand ceremonies and celebrations by those who belong to the Sikh community. It is celebrated on the full moon at Kartik maas. Gurudwaras across India get decorated with floral arrangements and light displays on this day. Sri Harmindar Sahib, Amritsar, is particularly decorated and draws devotees in massive amounts. Prabhat Pheris are performed, Akhand Path is read, Langars are organized, Shabad, kirtans, and Shabad is performed. People enjoy the company of their loved ones in celebration of the Gurpurab celebrations.
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