With the launch of the PM Surya Ghar Muft Bijli Yojana, Prime Minister Modi hopes to power one crore Indian households with solar energy. Study up on the PM Surya Ghar: Muft Bijli Yojana in its entirety here. Here we will discuss about the topic PM Surya Ghar Muft Bijli Yojana: Solar Panel Scheme for Homes In India.
Latest Update on PM Surya Ghar Muft Bijli Yojana
Union Cabinet approves PM Surya Ghar Muft Bijali Yojana, To be implemented at Rs 75,000 Crore
March 1, 2024:
The PM Surya Ghar Muft Bijali Yojana recently received clearance from the Union Cabinet. The programme will cost Rs 75,000 crore in total. More than one crore families will benefit from the PM Suryaghar Muft Bijali Yojana. Every household will receive around 300 units of free electricity under this initiative.
India’s solar ecology will be strengthened by the PM Surya Ghar Muft Bijali Yojana’s implementation. The country would see 17 lakh direct jobs created due to the scheme’s implementation.
The key features of the scheme are-
- The implementation of the scheme will be done as Central Financial Assistance (CFA)
- The CFA has been allocated especially for residential rooftop solar projects
- CFA will be capped at 3kW
- At current benchmark prices, Rs 30,000 subsidy for 1kW
- Rs 60,000 for 2kW systems
- Rs 78,000 for 3kW systems or higher
A nationwide platform will be used for the implementation of the PM Surya Ghar Muft Bijali Yojana. The individual households will choose the solar system’s implementation provider. PM Surya Ghar Muft Bijli Yojana: Solar Panel Scheme for Homes In India.
About PM Surya Ghar Muft Bijli Yojana
The PM Surya Ghar: Muft Bijli Yojana is a solar panel installation initiative that Prime Minister Narendra Modi just announced. The program’s objective is to supply solar energy to different residences nationwide. It will also increase India’s independence in the energy industry. It is a start toward a more sustainable and greener future. According to the prime minister, every Indian home should have a rooftop solar panel installation.
Objectives of PM Surya Ghar: Muft Bijli Yojana
- Provide solar energy solutions to 1 crore households across the nation.
- Reduce electricity bills for economically challenged and middle-class households.
- Enhance India’s self-sufficiency in the energy sector.
- Foster the adoption of renewable energy on a large scale.
- Help in the nation’s transition to a greener, more sustainable future.
- Align with global efforts towards cleaner and friendly energy sources.
- Strengthen the nation’s commitment to renewable energy and sustainability.
- Increase solar energy consumption and lessen your carbon footprint.
How to apply for ‘PM Surya Ghar Muft Bijali Yojana’? (Step-by-step)
Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched the rooftop solar project in his Republic Day speech. As a result, the Union Government hopes to encourage the production of solar energy and guarantee that every household will experience a considerable reduction in electricity costs. The union government wants to cover one crore homes with this program, and each household will receive up to 300 units of free electricity each month. The Union Government will send substantial funding straight to the recipients’ bank accounts.
Here is the step-by-step process to apply for the PM Surya Ghar Muft Bijali Yojana.
Step 1: Go to the https://pmsuryaghar.gov.in/ portal. Clik on Apply for Rooftop on the left hand side.
Step 2: Register on this portal using details like state, electricity distribution company, electricity consumer number, email ID and mobile number.
Step 3: Log in with the mobile number and apply for the Rooftop Solar as per the online form.
Step 4: Wait for the approval.
Step 5: Get the Solar plant installed by any registered vendor with your Discom.
Step 6: Once the installation is complete, submit the Solar plant details and apply for Net metering.
Step 7: Once the net metering setup is done, the commissioning certificate will be generated online.
Step 8: Once you get the commissioning report, Submit the bank account details online and a cancelled cheque online. You will receive the subsidy within 30 days in your bank account.
Inspiration Behind PM Surya Ghar: Muft Bijli Yojana
Prime Minister Modi emphasized the temple’s symbolic significance during his visit to Ayodhya. “The light of Suryavanshi Lord Shri Ram always provides energy to all the devotees of the world,” he said. And that’s what this plan is an expansion of. Here is PM Surya Ghar Muft Bijli Yojana: Solar Panel Scheme for Homes In India.
PM Surya Ghar: Muft Bijli Yojana Application Process:
- Online Application: A dedicated online portal for this scheme will soon be launched to ensure easy application.
- Documentation: Submit necessary documents like identity, address proof, and income certificates.
- Verification: Applications go through a verification process.
- Solar power systems will be installed after they receive approval.
PM Surya Ghar: Muft Bijli Yojana Scheme Launch and Implementation:
- Awareness Campaigns: Educating potential beneficiaries about the scheme and its benefits.
- Collaboration with Local Bodies: Involving panchayats, municipalities, or local NGOs for effective reach.
- Monitoring and Feedback: Ensuring the scheme’s effectiveness and making necessary adjustments.
Latest Updates about PM Surya Ghar: Muft Bijli Yojana
Gujarat will install over 10 Lakh solar panels across Gujarat under the PM Surya Ghar Scheme
21 February 2024:
The Gujarat government recently released an update stating that as part of the PM Surya Ghar: Muft Bijali Yojana, the state government intends to install over 10 lakh solar panels. On Republic Day 2024, Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced the PM Surya Ghar: Muft Bijali Yojana.
The program aims to use solar energy to supply every family with free electricity. The Gujarati government’s goal is to provide 10 lakh homes with solar electricity by 2024. The Surya Gujarat Scheme is a state government initiative modeled after the Union government’s announcement. In 2019, this program went into effect. It seeks to assist residents in lowering their electricity costs by installing solar panels.
As to a report published by Gujarat Urja Vikas Nigam Limited, Gujarat holds the top spot in the nation for the installation of solar panels. During MNRE phase 2, Gujarat supplied more than 81% of the installed solar capacity worldwide.
PM Surya Ghar: Muft Bijli Yojana Conclusion
The PM’s Muft Bijli Yojana, Surya Ghar, has excellent potential. It has the potential to change India’s energy environment. One crore homes are to have rooftop solar installed by the government. In addition to addressing economic issues, the plan promotes environmental sustainability. The plan demonstrates the government’s commitment to transforming India into a cleaner, greener, and more independent nation.
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